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Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe Tic Tac Toe is a simple, two-player strategy game played on a 3x3 grid. Players take turns marking a square with either an "X" or an "O", with the goal of being the first to align three of their marks in a row, column, or diagonal.  I have made a simple Tic Tac Toe game using html, css, javascript.  The game doesnot have much features. The game is created to be played by two peoples. It is just a simple game. The code of this game you get in my github page   Link of this game code is below: Tic Tac Toe Game Code /

Introduction to C language

 C is very powerful general purpose computer programming language which was developed in 1972 by Dennis M. Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratories. The Unix operating system was written in C language. It is middle level structured language which is very close to both the low level and high level language. C was originally implemented on the DEC PHP-11 computer in 1972.

Why to learn C language?

i. It is easy to learn. 

ii. It's execution is fast.

iii. It is structured language. (Means large program is divided into different separate unit )

iv. It has less number of keywords, as it has only 32 keywords.

v. Standard libraries and library functions are less in C but can be used to design almost any kind of        function.

Some of the applications of  C language

i. Operating System. E.g. Unix

ii. GUI Applications. E.g. Adobe Photoshop

iii. Text Editor. E.g. Atom

iv. Database. E.g. MySQL

v. Utilities


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